When you download the FilelistCreator from this page, you download a ZIP archive containing the actual program file. When starting the program I get the message "the program file is still located in the ZIP archive". Read more about this topic in the installation help. In addition, you can run any number of versions of the program (for example, with different configurations) in parallel, you can start the FilelistCreator from a USB stick and easily take the application along with their settings to another computer by simply copying the program folder. This has the advantage that the program does not make any unwanted profound changes to your system (for example, registry entries or changes in system folders). It is sufficient to save the program file (under Windows the EXE file) to any place on your computer and click on the program file to start the program. This means that you can use the FilelistCreator without an installation. The FilelistCreator is a portable program. You will find the corresponding downloads for each system on the download page of the FilelistCreator. The FilelistCreator is currently available for the operating systems Windows, Linux and macOS. On which systems does the FilelistCreator run?

Which format-specific file information can the Filelist Creator read out?.How do I uninstall the FilelistCreator?.Can I use multiple versions of the FilelistCreator in parallel?.When starting the program I get the message "the program file is still located in the ZIP archive".On which systems does the FilelistCreator run?.

Here you can find a collection of all frequently asked questions regarding the FilelistCreator.